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📶Phonetracking System


Feature List

  • locate players with the help of their phone numbers

  • ox_target integration

  • interact zone integration

  • language system

    • english and german by default

  • custom commands

  • several many options for the displayed blip

  • adjustable notify & textui

  • functions open

Configuration File

Config = {}

-- // Target Config \\ --
Config.useTarget = true -- If true, you can target the setup prop. If false, you need to press a setup button to open the menu.
Config.targetProp = "prop_monitor_w_large" -- The prop you target to track a phone.
Config.jobsNeeded = { -- if you want to lock the posibility to see the target to a specific job, add it here. If not set it to false

-- // Interact Zone Config \\ --
Config.InteractZone = {
    activated = false, -- If true, there will be a zone in which you can press the setup button to open the menu.
    position = vec3(440.5127, -978.8040, 30.6896), -- The position of the zone.
    InteractKey = 38 -- The key you need to press to open the menu. (

-- // General Config \\ --
Config.Language = "de" -- The language of the script. (en, de)

Config.useGeneratePinCommand = {
    activated = false, -- If true, you can use the setup command to generate a pincode.
    command = "addpin" -- The command you need to type to generate a pincode.

Config.useTrackSmartphoneCommand = {
    activated = false, -- If true, you can use the track command to track a phone.
    command = "trackphone" -- The command you need to type to track a phone.

Config.trackingBlip = {
    loadingTime = 20000, -- The time it takes to track a phone in ms.
    duration = 60000, -- The duration of the tracking blip is visible in ms.
    updateCycle = 6, -- The ammount how often the tracking blip updates.
    color = 1, -- The color of the tracking blip. (
    alpha = 95, -- The transparency of the tracking blip.
    radius = 150.0, -- The radius of the tracking blip.
    flashing = true, -- If true, the tracking blip will flash.
    deviations = 50 -- The maximum deviation (offset) of the tracking blip in meters.

function Notify(pTitle, pMsg, pType)
    lib.notify({title = pTitle, description = pMsg, type = pType})

function TextUI(pMsg)
    lib.showTextUI(pMsg, {position = "right-center", icon = 'hand'})

Last updated